
الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2018

Types of technical configurations of the artwork

مع تحيات دوهايد art

Types of technical configurations of the artwork

Greetings Duhaad art 

Types of technical configurations of the artwork 

Types of technical configurations of the artwork
Type of technical configurations (hierarchical)


A question arises:
What are the technical standards work successful?
Technical work depends on the construction and organization of artistic elements in a particular Azar, and the result of this organization relations achieved technical values ​​of (rhythm, poise, unity, diversity, movement).
These are the values ​​upon which we evaluate the artwork, and the extent of its success and distinguish it from other work called artistic composition.

Technical configuration: It is simply organizing and arranging elements within the painting to produce artwork.
And arranging technical training elements are two methods:
1 Optical: As in nature, such as drawing a landscape.
2 sensory: Draw to create a silent nature.

Types of technical configurations  :

Configurable multiple types and each type symbolizes a specific code suggests it is as follows:

Configuration horizontal: and the elements are arranged horizontally.
Code: symbolizes to stability, tranquility and stability and lines in italics which suggest movement and vitality.

2 hierarchical configuration: regulate the elements hierarchically divided into two simple hierarchical pyramid, which includes a composite pyramid and includes more than a hierarchy within the painting.
Code: symbolizes a firmness and rigidity and permanence and stability.

Types of technical configurations of the artwork

3 radiation configuration (invasive): the order of items in scattered directions within the painting so that stems from one center.
The cause of this painting Altkuindakhl sense of the violent movement or sudden movements.

Artistic formations of art

4 random configuration (irregular) and in which the artist Ajribz a particular order of Anasrofaqa previous systems and in this kind is possible to combine more than one type of previous configurations. 

Types of technical configurations of the artwork

5 curved configuration: and in which the order of Hinasr in the form of curved lines.
It symbolizes tranquility and infinity.

Types of technical configurations of the artwork

6 axial configuration: Turnab elements around a central axis or several axes fake
The balance and makes us a draw.

Types of technical configurations of the artwork

7 polar configuration consists of two groups exist between the two opposite Dinmakih relationship.
These are some types of artistic formations, but the most important is to take into account the technical training bases 
(Proportionality, rhythm, poise, and unit).

Types of technical configurations of the artwork

Proportionality: is intended to maintain the distance between the parts of the artwork, any relationship between the length of Annaasralmkunh panel and display Mmaahakq consistency and unity between theconstituent forms of the panel   .

Unity means the bonding between the shapes and elements within the painting.

Balancing means the distribution of elements within the distribution panel gives the sense of poise and psychological comfort within the artwork.

Rhythm: It means repeating shapes inside the painting gives a sense of harmony echoing harmony.

انواع التكوينات الفنية للعمل الفني

مع تحيات دوهايد art

انواع التكوينات الفنية للعمل الفني 

انواع التكوينات الفنية للعمل الفني
نوع من انواع التكوينات الفنية ( تكوين هرمي )


سؤال يطرح نفسه :ـ
ماهي معايير العمل الفني الناجح  ؟
العمل الفني يعتمد علي بناء وتنظيم العناصر الفنية في اظار معين ، وينتج عن هذا التنظيم علاقات تحقق قيم فنية وهي ( ايقاع ، اتزان ، وحدة ، التنوع ، الحركة ) .
وهذه القيم هي التي بناء عليها نقيم العمل الفني ومدي نجاحه وتميزه عن عمل اخر تسمي التكوين الفني  .

التكوين الفني  : هو  ببساطة تنظيم وترتيب العناصر داخل اللوحة لانتاج عمل فني .
وترتيب عناصر التكوين الفني اسلوبان :
1 ـ بصري : كما في الطبيعة مثل رسم منظرا طبيعيا .
2 ـ حسي  :  رسم لتكوين طبيعة صامتة .

انواع التكوينات الفنية  :

للتكوين انواعا متعددة وكل نوع يرمز الي رمز معين يوحي به وهو كالتالي :

التكوين الافقي : وفيه ترتب العناصر بشكل افقيا .
الرمز : يرمز الي الثبات والهدوء والاستقرار والخطوط المائلة فيه توحي بالحركة والحيوية .

2 ـ التكوين الهرمي : تنظم العناصر بشكل هرمي وتنقسم الي نوعان هرمي بسيط وهو يضم هرم واحد وهرمي مركب ويضم اكثر من شكل هرمي داخل اللوحة .
الرمز : يرمز الي الرسوخ والصلابة والدوام والاستقرار .

انواع التكوينات الفنية للعمل الفني

3 ـ التكوين الاشعاعي ( الانتشاري ) : ترتيب العناصر في اتجاهات منتشرة داخل اللوحة بحيث تنطلق من مركز واحد .
ويبعث هذا التكوينداخل اللوحة الاحساس بالحركة العنيفة  او الحركات المفاجئة .

Artistic formations of art

4 ـ التكوين العشوائي ( غير منتظم ) : وفيه لايرتبظ الفنان بترتيب معين للعناصروفقا للنظم السابقة وفي هذا النوع ممكن ان يجمع بين اكثر من نوع من التكوينات السابقة . 

انواع التكوينات الفنية للعمل الفني

5 ـ التكوين المنحني : وفيه ترتيب الهناصر علي شكل خطوط منحنية .
ويرمز الي الهدوء ومالانهاية .

انواع التكوينات الفنية للعمل الفني

6 ـ التكوين المحوري : ترنيب العناصر حول محور مركزي او عدة محاور وهمية
ويشعرنا بالتوازن والتعادل .

انواع التكوينات الفنية للعمل الفني

7 ـ التكوين القطبي : يتكون من مجموعتين متقابلتين توجد بينهما علاقة ديناميكية .

هذه هي بعض أنواع التكوينات الفنية ولكن الأهم هو ان يراعي في التكوين الأسس الفنية 
( التناسب ، ايقاع ، اتزان ، وحدة )  .

انواع التكوينات الفنية للعمل الفني

التناسب : يقصد به المحافظة علي المسافات  بين أجزاء العمل الفني  ، اي العلاقة بين طول العناصر المكونة  للوحة  وعرضها مما يحقق التناسق والوحدة بين الاشكال المكونة للوحة  .

الوحدة : يقصد بها الترابط بين الاشكال والعناصر داخل اللوحة الفنية .

الاتزان : يقصد به توزيع العناصر داخل اللوحة توزيعا يعطي إحساس الاتزان والراحة النفسية داخل العمل الفني .

الإيقاع  : ويقصد به ترديد الاشكال داخل اللوحة ترديدا متناغما يعطي الإحساس بالتناغم .

السبت، 22 ديسمبر 2018

drawing with pencil

مع تحيات دوهايد art

drawing with pencil

Greetings Duhaad art                                                                                                        

Tools and drawing materials shot 

to draw depends on observation and experience gained from the practice of force, and Aatguen drawing Abamadaomh daily on it and continue, this is the skill, skill Ataatguen Abamadaomh, with the use of the eyes permanently all the time.   

 See people, animals, trees, plants, buildings, see your house in pots, on the furniture, etc ............ to see everything, use your eyes to look at everything around you, everything is really worth drawing, everything, even tea cup in the nines on the table is worth drawing, lead paint, which it deserves to draw pen, be bold, you are king in this beautiful story that Tensjha of your imagination, you a special king the elements of the work. 

The paper belongs to you, you can paint it whatever you want fill it lines free Owalrsom inspired imagination, Ookherbashat that have no meaning in other minds, but you do get a sense of fun freedom, March self-criticism, if it seemed drawing unsatisfactory, the Ataatkhals of it, but never again in a second attempt, and then a third, then a fourth, while retaining the old attempts is undoubtedly every attempt will lead to your best, place always Mahullack first in front of your eyes until you see your progress, this will make progress faster.

Do not use the eraser Alaand not necessary to erase the longer correct, Vamaha and correction but be of no corrected first and then Ameha error. 

Copy the images you will learn from him a lot, but the direct topics will teach you how to choose Modmoatk and how mastered choose the correct configuration of your subject and you will learn more, My advice to you ...... is to choose your topics carefully and choose to have a corner or a suitable composition comes out of it a work of art of value Artistic . 
In the next Moduatna will teach you how to choose the topic and place it in the correct configuration technician. 
  You will not need to master the skill of drawing pencil is a pencil sketch ..dfter ... and your imagination.Always hear and be guided Ataathrk, but you will find them always topics your imagination move will not only let go and have woven weaved a pen on paper. 

My advice to you Mark always with you a bag withbook sketch, pencils , eraser, sharpener, and Mdekh and start from here the journey to the world ofimagination. 

Tools and materials: 

Duatc and Khamatk special drawing pencil will not find in any library for the sale ofstationery but you will find specialized in the sale of office and technical libraries and tools you will find in this Almtkpat Mathera passion for this beautiful art, 

We will talk first about:
Global companies are classified pencils according to the severity or suppleness and gradually customary 
It is as follows:  
 All  what it grew every figure Mamadt cruelty.
    (H, 2H. 3H. 4H. 5H. 6H .7H. 8H.) 

All it grew every figure Mamadt ductility.
 (B. 2B. 3B .4B .5B .6B .7B.8 B )

 Pencils Category (H)
   Be harsh and the ratio of clay is greater than the proportion of graphite, so they give a color gray, not very black. 

And pencils from Category (B)

     Be soft, where the proportion of clay to be less than the percentage of graphite, so they give a color darker tougher as it grew the number. The pen HB used in writing, the ratio of graphite with clay in equal proportion, and here comes the moderate color.  

Wooden colored pens:

Available lead pencils colored libraries in many colors and different brands of commercial best known: 

These colors give a beautiful color effects, including what can be integrated with water and gives the effect of water Alaloloan come with a brush. 

the eraser : 

You must choose an eraser fit with the work we do, itmust choose eraser high quality, and most of thecompanies that produce pencils and colored also produces Mmahi high quality. 
And also the paper has an active role as the paper does not help inferior eraser to function to the fullest point. 

The eraser is also used to work places in the bright painting and also the most light. 

Sharpener  :

Many sometimes breaks the age of pencil sharpenerpencil so it is also important to buy the banner of thegood kind and the name of his good reputation and good luck , we find that the global companies that make pens also make sharpener It is advisable if youcan not use Sharpener Imkan to use Ketr
 (Cutter), it reveals the longest distance of the bullet pen compared with Sharpener. 


It is a roll of paper or skin scrub by drawing shadows to unfreeze the color or Tdrejeh, so as to draw a pencilonly 

The installer is a material Aorh resin is added to thespray painting done in pencil or charcoal or wax colors and chalk so as to protect them and install them without being expunged lead material or chalk or wax on paper so that we have lost these tools drawn painting. 
The installer is sold in bookstores that sell the purposes of art materials, and sold body sprays. 


Alcanson is one of the best types of paper for drawing paper pencil and comes on the brochures body, brochure called (Sketch Facebook) and come various sizes and spaces these kinds of papers I am the best one for the tyro and professional This quality helps alot to take out work great effects, and then come qualities other suitable for drawing pencil , but as I said the best Alcanson, and other brands Bristol paper, paper white Langer, coarse paper cartridge, these are all grainy surface (streaked). 


Technology is among the methods or methods that specializes in the science or art or craft, and for drawing pencil, technology is very simple, but it requires some knowledge of the pen and the accompanying tools during his work. 

Ideally, the permanent exercise with the pencil on thesurface of the paper and never less degree of pencil and not the degree of HB ) and then ranging in numbers from class (B ) When you feel that all degree taken right from you in training Z degree and two degrees until it reaches degrees different from 
Pencil in this case Start by choosing topics , even asimple example , draw boxes then Ptzlleha different degrees Start Powell degrees and then the second andthen the third and so on until you can hatch harmonious. I know you have to be continuous training until you reach the class that comes to you a wonderful Btejh. 

an exercise 

  Antzerona in the next lesson we will speak about the configuration and how to choose the subject and shadow and light value